The mission of PrisonWatch is to make a human connection with those detained abroad. By visiting them we can help them during their detention and after release. PrisonWatch creates awareness about the situation of foreign national prisoners, draws attention to their distinctive needs and rights, and stimulates authorities to provide sufficient support during detention and after release.



Femke van der Meulen
Founder PrisonWatch
Deputy prison governor PI Alphen, The Netherlands

Astrid de Jong
Engagement Partner
Psychologist, former business owner in the marketing and research industry (100+ employees), entrepreneur and connector


Femke van der Meulen
Founder PrisonWatch
Deputy prison governor PI Alphen, The Netherlands

Astrid de Jong
Engagement Partner
Psychologist, former business owner in the marketing and research industry (100+ employees), entrepreneur and connector


Christopher Stone
Former President of the Open Societies Foundation,
Former Professor at Harvard University,
Former Chairman of the Vera Institute of Justice, USA


Lisette Heerze
Netherlands Police – Head of Operations Amsterdam

Thomas Loudon

Emily Bremers
HR Manager Employee Relations/ Industrial Relations Shell Nederland


Peter van der Sande
President International Corrections and Prison Association (ICPA), Former head of the Dutch Custodial Institutions Agency (DJI)

Rob de Leeuw
Advisor Carnegie Foundation The Netherlands
Former ambassador

Cees Niessen
Prison Governor PI Alphen aan den Rijn


Network of certified volunteers
PrisonWatch recruits, selects, trains volunteers to the highest standards and maintains contact with them.

PrisonWatch connects foreign prisoners with volunteers and obtains access to prisons. If necessary PrisonWatch informs consulates when specific consular assistance is needed.

Newsletter and events
PrisonWatch keeps volunteers, partners and others informed and involved via newsletters and by organising events.

Advice, training, information and lectures
PrisonWatch staff provides advice, training, information and lectures upon request.


Diplomatic missions and consulates
Relieve diplomatic missions and consulates by maintaining contact with their nationals in prison and inform them in case of emergencies.

Prison authorities
Create awareness about the situation and distinctive needs of a special category of prisoners. Relieve prison authorities by making sure that foreign prisoners are seen and do not feel socially excluded.

Countries of origin
Inform, when requested by the foreign national prisoner, the country of origin about the needs of the national who is returning after release in order to prepare for a successful return into society and avoid recidivism in the future.


PrisonWatch receives advice and practical support from various organisations such as Bureau Buitenland of the Dutch Probation Service and Gevangenenzorg Nederland. The foundation received financial support from foundation Kansfonds and foundation Haella.


The PrisonWatch foundation is a not-for profit organisation. The foundation can receive funding from other parties. The governance structure of PrisonWatch Foundation is developed to comply with the ANBI status regulations (official NGO status granted by the Tax authorities that allows for tax-free donations) and in line with the Dutch NGO guidelines for good governance (Code Goed Bestuur, Goede Doelen Nederland).

ANBI status (charitable status)

The PrisonWatch foundation is registered as a Dutch public benefit organisation (ANBI Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling) and is therefore able to benefit from ANBI regulations. This means that financial donations to PrisonWatch are tax-deductible in the Netherlands.

Name:Stichting PrisonWatch foundation
RSIN number:860060433
KVK number:74881434
Creation:Stichting PrisonWatch was established by notarial deed on 8th May 2019.
Contact details:info@prisonwatch.org
Renumeration:Members of the Supervisory Board do not receive a renumeration for their work. According to article 6.8 of the Statute they are entitled to reimbursement of the costs incurred by them in the performance of their duties. Volunteers receive a travel allowance. Members of staff can receive a salary.
Financial report:An annual balance sheet, operating account will be produced by PrisonWatch for the year 2020. The figures will checked by independent financial experts.
Activity report (beleidsplan):Activity report 2019-2020 (Dutch language)